
The goals are to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible and to improve quality of life while respecting the dying persons wishes.
Care-of-dying-patient-procedure. Attention to mouth care is essential in the dying patient and the family can be encouraged to give sips of water or moisten the patients mouth with a sponge. Care is more often aimed at maintaining comfort and dignity and relieving symptoms with minimal interference. The manner of respect is governed and detailed by religious tradition rather than by personal sentiment and whim alone.
Medical Assessment M 1 4 5 3. Close the patients eyes and mouth. Being aware that personal care after death is best carried out within two to four hours of the person dying.
If urinary incontinence or retention is a problem catheterisation may be needed. While this policy and procedure addresses the care of the patient following death care providers should be aware that many of the principles within the document can and should be implemented prior to death eg. The goal of palliative care is the achievement of the best possible quality of life for patients and their families.
Rub the skin gently with alcohol 70. See that the bedding is light in weight and when the gown is wet with perspiration should be changed. See Jewish practices - Death and Dying The principle governing the case of the body immediately following death is the sacredness of man.
This preserves their appearance condition and dignity. Exploring the patients and families spiritual religious and cultural needs 2. Procedures at time of death This section is reprinted with permission from A Guide to Paediatric Oncology Palliative Care published by the Royal Childrens Hospital Brisbane.
Invasive procedures for bowel care are rarely needed in the dying phase. Mouth Care for OncologyHaematology Patients Care of the Deceased Religious Guidelines for the Care of the Dying Purpose. Relatives Carers Contact Information and healthcare professionals signatory information C 1 2 3 2.